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VS Predicts 2024: Creative Media

The AI-powered future with  Adobe Firefly, Midjourney and the exploration of 3D modelling

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VS Predicts 2024: Creative Media

By Carli McNaught, Head of Creative Media at Visualsoft

Creative design is rapidly changing within marketing agencies across the globe and the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovative design tools is set to redefine the industry. As we look into 2024, we predict that AI-powered tools like Adobe Firefly and Midjourney will take creative design and marketing to new levels. With the advent of these cutting-edge programmes, the synergy between AI and these platforms promises to  elevate the creative process.

Enhancing design workflows with Adobe Firefly and Midjourney

Adobe Firefly, a revolutionary addition to the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, seamlessly integrates AI capabilities into the design workflow. This programme, harnessing the power of machine learning algorithms, enhances the efficiency of designers by automating and providing intelligent design suggestions. By leveraging Firefly's capabilities, marketing agencies can expedite the creation of prototypes, optimise visual elements, and refine designs based on real-time user feedback.

Midjourney, another innovative design platform, complements this AI-driven revolution by offering a collaborative space where human designers and AI systems come together. Midjourney facilitates a dynamic exchange of ideas, enabling designers to harness the predictive analytics of AI while retaining the human touch in creative decision-making. This collaboration, where Midjourney's intuitive features and AI algorithms suggest design enhancements, allows designers to make informed choices that align with their creative vision.

The integration of Adobe Firefly and Midjourney into the creative design process enables marketing agencies to fully embrace AI. Firefly streamlines the design workflow, while Midjourney provides a platform for seamless collaboration, ensuring that the creative process remains human. This fusion of advanced AI capabilities and innovative design tools not only accelerates the pace of creation but also enhances the quality and relevance of marketing materials.

Looking ahead, the marriage of AI, Adobe Firefly, and Midjourney is definitely set to unlock new dimensions of creativity and efficiency in marketing design. As these tools become indispensable assets for designers, agencies will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of a dynamic market, anticipate trends, and deliver visually captivating and strategically aligned content. The future of creative design in marketing lies at the intersection of human ingenuity and the limitless possibilities presented by AI-powered tools like Adobe Firefly and Midjourney. 

The world of 3D

By Jack Spivey, Designer at Visualsoft

My prediction for 2024 is an increased use of 3D, particularly in typography, with an emphasis on hyper-real texturing and animation.

Blender (the free and open-source 3D software) jumps into its 4th major update, bringing with it a host of new features. 

YouTuber, Blender Guru, has also updated his infamous donut tutorial (an absolute must for anyone starting their 3D modelling journey). 

With AI storming ahead and taking no prisoners in the creative world, 2024 will inspire designers to up their game and dive into 3D, especially since AI isn’t quite ready to dominate that area yet.

Where will designers first go when they’ve figured out the fundamentals of 3D modelling? 

I think it’ll be typography. Blender easily allows you to add text and material typography, the results can often be very interesting and add some extra depth and visual texture to any piece of design work. 

Its simplicity also means it doesn’t take a huge amount of computing power or time to get to a final piece.. Those who are well versed in the world of 3D can create visually striking looks in Blender. Some of these include adding movement and interactions with other objects. This can then be animated to support the aesthetic and emotion the text conveys - this is called kinetic typography. 

We’ve already seen a rise in kinetic typography in the 2D world over the last few years, and Visualsoft’s Creative Media department is naming 3D kinetic typography as one of the trends to watch out for in 2024. 3D is adding a whole new dimension to this.

Enter Spline

Spline is another interesting, and innovative platform It allows users to 3D model in a web browser and then export these models to be integrated into websites. 

The platform focuses on the user's creativity instead of technical coding and development, making it a useful tool for entry-level designers.   

The 3D world offers a plethora of new, exciting and interactive design potential, with its accessibility constantly improving and platforms like Blender and Spline making it easier for artists to get involved.

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