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Discount Supplements

Building foundations for growth with Discount Supplements including an 87.1% year-on-year increase of new visitor revenue.
Discount supplement's pre-workout
year-on-year increase of new visitor revenue
increase in site sessions

Discount Supplements initially started as a small eBay sports supplement shop, but after celebrating their 15th anniversary in 2020, they’re now the UK’s largest and number one online sports supplement store. 

As they’ve grown they’ve sought to uphold a strong reputation to provide customers with the best products, at the best prices with the fastest delivery time possible.

After realising a need to transition from reactive marketing, to a more proactive approach, Discount Supplements came to Visualsoft in November 2021 with a mission to achieve this.

Someone using discount supplement's protein
In Numbers
year-on-year increase of new visitor revenue
increase in site sessions
year-on-year increase of returning visitor revenue

A cross-channel approach put Discount Supplements a foot above the rest

Working with Discount Supplements, we saw the launch of their new pre-work out 'The Purge', as an opportunity to disrupt the market. We advised on running a cross-channel promotion in January 2022, to introduce new customers to the product.   With assets from the Creative Media team, promotional campaigns were run across email and social to promote the product cross-channel, as well as placements on Google and YouTube ads.   The activity from the campaign saw an increase in SEO sessions on the site with traffic being pushed towards the specific purge product page along with PPC also seeing the impact from the product launch.

Looking at email statistics alone, the data shows a 37.9% average open rate (exceeding industry average), 35 non-purchasers were converted, and a total of £14,379.34 worth of orders. Not to mention the resend generating an additional 57 orders worth £3,045.99.

Social channels had also generated 89 purchases that equate to £3,919.29 in revenue from a spend of £477.50.

One of Discount Supplements' goals when they came to us was to acquire new customers whilst retaining a high level of returning customers. We know that numbers don't lie, so let's see if we fulfilled their expectations…So far Discount Supplements have seen an 87.1% year-on-year increase of new visitor revenue, and a 49.9% increase in site sessions as well as retaining a 77.5% year-on-year increase of returning visitor revenue and a 51.47% rise in site sessions.

Some might say that’s not bad for two month’s work…

Laptop and phone with discount supplement's website

Our Craft. Your Success.

Visualsoft gave us the tools we needed to run one of our most successful ever campaigns. We worked seamlessly to develop a disruptive campaign which included visually stunning video and image content for use on our social media platforms, as well as Google ads, Youtube advertisements and a full email campaign.
Adam, Discount Supplements

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Growth set to continue

For your brand to really capitalise on the increased consumer demand, it is crucial that you get personal with your target market. If you create a personalised online experience, you’re much more likely to not only improve your conversion rate but also increase your average order value.

At Visualsoft, we have personalised thousands of customer journeys for clients all over the world. If you’d like to see how our platform can help you with your growth, book a free demo today.

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