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23 tips for peak season 2023: Tip 9 - Refresh all your assets

23 tips for peak season 2023: Tip 9 - Refresh all your assets

The golden quarter presents the biggest opportunity to maximise sales, so it pays to be prepared. Before the busy period hits, check through all of your customer touchpoints and ensure they’re accurate, up to date, and have a consistent look and feel to convey a unified brand identity.

Start early to stay ahead
It's important to start refreshing your marketing assets early in the holiday season to give you enough time to create and test different campaigns, and help you to stay ahead of the competition.

Bring together your messaging
You can get creative when refreshing your marketing assets to ensure that they’re eye-catching and effective, however make sure that the messaging marries up across all of your content to avoid confusing customers.

Carry out quality control
First impressions count, so carry out a review of all of your touchpoints to ensure that they’re up to scratch and portray your brand in the most positive light possible. 

Increase your reach
Once you’ve refreshed your marketing assets, make sure to promote them across all of your channels to reach as many people as possible.

Measure your changes
When making adjustments to marketing assets or brand touchpoints, it’s important to measure whether or not your improvements create the desired results. Avoid relying on assumptions, and use whatever actionable data you have available for further optimisations and refinements. 

Download the full 23 tips for peak 23 guide via the form.