23 tips for peak season 2023: Tip 17 - Prioritise the mobile experience
Whether it’s in front of the TV or on their way to work, most shoppers use their smartphone to browse and buy online, and are unlikely to return to a site that isn’t mobile-friendly. As a result, the majority of stores are now optimised for smaller screens, however the mobile experience still plays second fiddle to desktop designs at the cost of conversions, so switch your priorities in time for Q4.
Review your store features
Although you may look to downsize certain features for mobile users to deliver a fast and more streamlined experience, don’t expect smartphone shoppers to compromise when it comes to functionality. Ensure buttons, dropdowns and product options elegantly scale across smaller devices to avoid losing all-important sales.
Provide strong navigation
Smartphone users need to be able to move through your site just as easily as desktop shoppers, so make sure your mobile site menu is comprehensive.
Offer wallet payments
To increase orders, allow mobile users to use native payment methods that are quick and easy, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Optimise UX
Google takes a mobile-first approach to indexing, so maintain healthy rankings within its search engine results pages by ensuring your mobile pages score highly across its Core Web Vitals metrics.
Go responsive
In 2023, it’s almost impossible to believe that there are still online stores trading without a responsive site, however industry stats show that one in ten sites are yet to make the move. If you’re in the minority, don’t delay in upgrading your store to reap the benefits of a contemporary, scalable, design.
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